restoration rɛstəˈreɪʃən 1. The act of restoring or state of being restored, as to a former or original condition, place, state etc. 2. The replacement or giving back of something lost, stolen, removed etc. 3. Something restored, replaced or reconstructed.
We begin our work by applying the elements of Conversational Leadership. This means we encourage you to stop. Stop and open up to the space created, sit with the silence, the disquiet. Through this we can start asking questions, asking ‘beautiful questions’, questions that shift our perspectives by being voiced, leading us to deeper understandings, knowledge and awareness… We connect into vulnerability which is fundamental to courage and vital for change. Real vulnerability is not weakness it is strength. Change cannot come about if the opportunity to be vulnerable is denied. By inviting you to be half a shade braver, by identifying where you might need to ask for help, by identifying what your artistry is and what your invitation might be and to whom, we can be alongside as you reconnect with yourself and others and evolve both your practice and your company.
Our work begins with Conversational Leadership and from there, depending on your needs, we blend practices from systemic and dynamic consultation and asset-based approaches.
The Restoration approach is for the brave and courageous.
Scroll down to learn more about the way we work…

and to abandon the shoes that brought you here
right at the water’s edge, not because you had given up
but because now, you would find a different way to tread,
and because, through it all, part of you would still walk on,
no matter how, over the waves.
— Finisterre DAVID WHYTE
depending on your needs our approach will involve an amalgamation of years of experience alongside an integration of any or ALL of the following:

Conversational Leadership (David Whyte) is an experiential process emphasising keen attention, self-discipline and a certain kind of artistry in how we engage with others. We do not engage in endless talking but we identify and support you to connect with the crucial and courageous exchanges that underpin significant change.
One of the functions of leadership in shaping and evolving organisations is to consciously address the essential conversations which form how people think and act. Many of these conversations go unspoken because they often reveal the conflicts and tensions that lie beneath the surface, bringing controversy and disagreement in their wake. It takes courage to step into this vulnerable territory, to let go of control and be open to input and differences.
Attempting to figure out what is right and then persuading others to follow is a traditional leadership practice. Conversational Leadership encourages you to ‘invite what you do not expect’, freeing you from the burden of needing to know the answer, it brings you to the frontier of what is emerging and asks you to turn towards rather than away. This is frequently painful and requires courage. We help you build the presence, instinct and artistry required to steward these conversations.
© INVITAS.NET The Institute for Conversational Leadership
Systemic consultation and therapy are from a school of thought that believes difficulties are not within individuals, but are located between people: instead of seeing us in isolation, it focuses on the relationships and connections that we have with each other (in our families, friendship groups, workplaces) and the multiple contexts within which we operate.
Time is spent looking at how patterns of interacting and communicating may be contributing to roadblocks within relationships.
Systemic consultation pulls into focus the strengths and resources within a particular group or community of people, and find ways of embedding examples of good practice and creativity into the wider system.
The effectiveness of complex systems of connection - partnerships, inter-departmental collaboration, supply chains and customer contacts - are not determined by job titles, structures and hierarchy. It is the human interactions within these systems and the quality of the conversations that take place, that enable organisations to realise potential.
Leadership within this context will often mean that no single role is in charge, others may need to be invited to co-operate – something they may or may not want to do. Attending to these connections creates the conditions that foster innovation and encourages sustainable service and product development.
Conversational Leadership recognises the complexity inherent in dispersed leadership and delivers a framework to embed ‘system leadership’ at all levels in all situations. It challenges entrenched habits and provides the space and scaffolding to reframe narratives. Hence, new possibilities are allowed to emerge and flourish through authentic engagement with others.
We believe that the outcomes achieved are directly shaped by the process that is employed. By drawing on the unique abilities of the people and connections within the system, conversational leadership engenders ownership recognising that sustained change can only be delivered by those working within the “system”.
Asset-based approaches realise the potential of people and connection.
The people who make up the teams, organisations and communities are at the heart of our work.
We each have strengths, skills and ambitions that define who we are. These ‘assets’ are the crucial ingredient in creating solutions in order to tackle the entrenched challenges people, communities and organisations face.
Complex issues require leadership that recognises that no one person has overall control, everyone can make a difference and there is no single right answer.
Whether we are working with public, private or voluntary sector organisations our approach is holistic.
We help individuals realise their talents and aspirations and encourage open-minded connection in order to find lasting solutions.